Disciplines and subtopics for presentations and papers:
- Psychology. Cognitive psych, transpersonal psych,
Jungian psychology, sleep, dreams, hypnotic states, Gestalt psychology 10/18
- Religion. Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christian
or Jewish Mysticism, Speaking in “tongues”, Gnosticism, prayer research,
Nag Hammadi library 11/8
- Quantum
physics. Energy and
biogenergy; distant healing 11/15
- Health
and Medicine. Transplant
medicine, cardiology, biofeedback, neurofeedback, mind/body connection,
clinical neurology, Near Death Experience, coma, Alzheimer’s disease 10/11
- Neuroscience
- Biology. Molecular biology, animal
- Engineering.
Artificial intelligence/computer science, robotics, information processing
- Philosophy
- Pharmacology.
Psychopharmacology, recreational pharmacology 10/25
- Parapsychology.
Projectiology/conscientiology, OBEs, non-local consciousness,
mediumship, Psi phenomena 11/1
- Art
and/or literature
- Sociology
- Anthropology
- What
field have I failed to consider?
NB: The date following the listed sub-topics is
the date a presentation or paper outline is due. Presentations are expected to be ready to go
one week later (but may be delayed due to guest lecturers or other reasons.
Even if you expect NOT to have to present because a guest speaker is scheduled,
you must be prepared in case the speaker is delayed or cancels.) Topics with no dates: outlines due 11/22.
Presentations will follow on 11/29 or 12/6. All final literature reviews or
position defenses are due on 11/29.
Research project papers are due during finals week.