to the website of the new
Science of Self Club (CREF) !
* Updated March 1, 2004 *
"The problem of consciousness" is nicely described by The Center for Consciousness Studies (University of Arizona)
A provokative approach is suggested by these researchers
As of April 2003, the Science of Self Club is an official student organization at the University of Florida. Website re-vamp underway! Please return for monthly updates.
Southeastern PSI Conference - April 2 - 4, 2004
Science & Consciousness Review
What are
Conscientiology & Projectiology?
– an intro to these new sciences and how they may change your life, your world:
the Consciential Revolution
Guidelines for Submitting your Anonymous Anomalous Experience Account
[Coming Soon]
Cinescussion 1 Q & A
Film 1 was:
Out-of-Body Experience: A glimpse of immortality
Consciousness-Related Conferences/Colloquia/Congresses Calendar
Consciousness-Related Periodicals
Public Invitations for Participation from Different Researchers (new submissions are encouraged)
the C&P Q&A
- If you've uttered "Hum...", "I wonder...", "What
if..." while you were reading, talking, and thinking about
Conscientiology-related ideas - share the thought! There are others who like to
stroke their chin!
Past & current CREF activities
RESEARCH *Coming up*
- experiments, participants, results, discussion: past, ongoing, planned,
Consciousness Research & Society Survey
- Multidisciplinary critique on a consciocentric approach to the Kosovo crisis
- Mental target projection with remote physical observation: (ongoing)
- Retrocognition, lucid dreams as springboards for conscious projections
- Bioenergy observation and mobilization
- Lucidity prolongation: sound; self-inquiry; mental dialogue; steel marbles/
lifted arm
- Guided LD/OBE (taped suggestions, live)
- Circumscribed Cross Idiomotor Questioning (self-hypnotism)
- The 1999-2000 CREF member
message board
- If you would like to participate in a project or experiment, contact us!
II Jornada da Saúde da Consciência [Acompanhe pela net]
I Jornada
de Educação – Pedagologia
Consciencial (Brasil) – April 28 to May 1, 2001 [Visite
este site]
research (University of Miami, School
of Business; September 7 to 9, 2001) [Email for more info]
* Call for papers: deadline is September 30, 2001 [Click for more info / Visite o site]
Check these out for more events:
International Academy of Conscientiology, Portugal
International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology: Brazil, USA, Canada, Western Europe, China
Center for Higher Studies of the Consciousness, Iguassu Falls, Brazil
YOUR THOUGHTS ON C&P and the site! (Coming up)
Questions? Comments? Ideas?
Please share them with us!
Send us some lines
Coming up:
OBE,LD,bioenergy: guidelines, techniques
Possible professional applications of C&P by field of study/practice
Members' original work:
- research reports;
- cultural and behavioral observations;
- theoretical or conceptual statements;
- cross scientific studies; book reviews;
- interviews; comments on conferences;
- biographical studies that would illustrate, refute, or contribute to
conscientiological research;
- personal accounts of OBEs or related phenomena that would offer a significant
conclusion to validate or debate projectiological concepts;
- papers expressing philosophic, scientific, or historical perspective on the
study of the consciousness or the OBE.
Versão em Português
Online broadcast: Consciential Explorers' Club meetings; thematic debates
& discussions; presentations
Member-researcher communication central (Password required)
Public forum
Surveys - IIPC survey, CREF UF/Nova HS/Plantation/general survey
Recommended links & resources - descriptions, excerpts, links, reviews
of: courses, books, journals, videos, etc.
links? Design suggestions?
Site created and maintained by: Nelson Correia
Thanks to IIPC-Miami, EUA for content and advice; Fabio Ciucci, Italia for the
cool java code; all who support us. This site is dedicated to all who seek
clarification through direct, personal experience. A special greeting to all
clarifiers and consciential explorers!