Title: A consciocentric perspective on the Kosovo crisis
Author: Nelson Correia Abreu – March 2001
Class: Introduction to International Relations (INR 2001), Paper 2
Instructors: Dr. Barkin and Ms. Yuan Wang, University of Florida (USA)
The conscious projection
of the consciential paradigm
Behavioral effects.
It is always advisable to verify if the presented problem is correctly defined. It is important to realize that different paradigms create different perspectives of ourselves, life, and the world. When problems are differently defined due to major epistemological changes, strikingly different, non-conventional solution plans tend to emerge. This is the case of observing the Kosovo crisis through the consciential paradigm rather than the conventional, Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm. The best solution is to combine short-term, more conventional approaches with consciocentric efforts that will increasingly ameliorate the Kosovo conflicts by expanding self-investigation for personal evolution that translates into global change in a gradual but definitive fashion.
Historical evidence seems to show that relations between the Serbs and descendants of Albanians were peaceful, up to the invasion by the Turks. Kosovo was an ethnically homogeneous territory – over 90% Serbian – that quickly became the state, political, economic, and cultural center of the Serbian nation. It became an immortal symbol of Serbian nationalism after the Battle of Kosovo. The Turkish invasion, forced conversions to Islam, discrimination, and the violent authority of Islam caused great Serbian migrations. At the end of the 18th century, Albanians – at least half of whom were converted to Islam – started penetrating into former Serbian territory. This marked the beginning of 200 years of Turkish and Albanian terror, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, including many that are well-documented in complaints to the Turkish administration, reports by European consuls, and records of the Vatican.
Today’s ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo is largely due to the Turkish invasion and Albanian mass migrations that forced out Serbians from their central, historical motherland. The last twenty-years have registered the violent treatment of ethnic Albanians (Bogdanovik). Increasing evidence and international awareness of genocide of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo lead to NATO’s intervention through cluster-bomb air strikes that eventually lead to the retreat of Serbian forces from Kosovo. However, extreme elements of the ethnic Albanians resumed their campaigns for Albanian annexation or independence and terror campaigns against non-ethnic-Albanians.
The conscious
Continuous reports show that people worldwide have lucid experiences outside their physical bodies (out-of-body experience). One of the evidences widely studied today is the NDE (Near-Death-Experience - a forced type of conscious projection), which happens as a result of life-threatening conditions. The OBE (out-of-body experience or astral projection) occurs every night with the non-alignment of the consciousness with its physical body, during sleep. However, a lucid conscious projection can be voluntarily induced by will and application of certain techniques at any time of the day by any and all individuals, on average, within a month of consistent, daily practice and study under favorable conditions.
Many arguments can be made against the credibility and reality of the conscious projection, but none can counter the overwhelming evidence gathered during the last three decades of laboratorial and consciential research from all over the world, including Brazil, the USA, and the UK. Some of the researchers are Dr. Charles Tart, Dr. Karlis Otis, Dr. Scott Rogo, Dr. Janet Lee Mitchell, Robert L. Morris, Rick Stack, Robert Monroe (Monroe Institute), Michael Grosso, Alexander Tamus, Univesity of California – Santa Barbara, American Society for Psychical Research, Dr. Waldo Vieira (International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology), Wagner Borges (Instituto de Pesquisas Projetivas e Bionergéticas, Rio de Janeiro), William Buhlman, Geraldo Medeiros Jr, and Robert Peterson. Above all, no argument can speak against direct, personal experiences that have been recorded throughout history and are attainable through voluntary, will-induced, conscious projections (lucid out-of-body experiences or OBEs).
Conscientiology and projectiology, sciences that study the consciousness and the conscious projection, do not fit the 300-year-old “materialist-reductionist-newtonian-cartesian-physicalist paradigm” of science that assumes that the source of our intelligence and identity is physical - DNA, the brain. It is clear to those who have experienced the conscious projection that the consciousness transcends the common parameters of physical energy (matter) and that our address is extraphysical. This knowledge can be obtained directly by the individual through objective observations made during OBEs.
consciential paradigm combines
scientific principles with the consensus of direct, personal observations while
avoiding connection to any religious beliefs. Proposed in Brazil, “these
studies are gaining ground internationally as leading-edge non-conventional sciences,
which are re-establishing the study of consciousness within the context of
science” (IIPC).
Conscientiology, as the word indicates, studies the consciousness and all of its attributes and manifestations, and analyzes it in the most systematic way possible. Self-awareness is a basic characteristic in understanding consciousness. Conscientiology is more comprehensive than traditional psychology, because it extends its investigations beyond the boundaries of physical manifestation, addressing such areas as the classification of evolutive levels, previous life experiences, the nature of consciousness and its subtle bodies, consciousness evolution process, cosmoethic, and consciential maturity. The studies are based on scientific principles, consensus, bibliographical research, and experimentation (IIPC).
Effects of the consciential paradigm
Weaknesses of the myopic,
physicalist-reductionist Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm in the study of the
Kosovo conflict include limited direct experience – reliance on written history
– and limited perspective of the self,
human nature, life, and the universe.
The consciential paradigm of the neosciences projectiology and conscientiology
overcomes these problems by facilitating the scientific study of the
extraphysical universe, the consciousness, and bioenergies through the
consensus of direct experience. The
principle techniques of consciential research are the conscious projection and
bioenergy perception and control.
Parahistory. Studies of Kosovo conflict’s
history rely mostly on written documents, which can be biased and are always
affected to a variable degree by the author’s communicative ability, thoughts,
and sentiments and the readers interpretation of the same text years to
centuries after the document’s creation. Also, the colossal amount of available
literature cannot be totally assimilated by most policy-makers, let alone the
laity. According to
Sam Vaknin, author of “After the Rain – How the West Lost the East,” the West’s
recent intervention was historically ignorant, because artificially suppressing
the Kosovo crisis may have encouraged ethnic-Albanian paramilitary to assume
its current campaign of terror and conquest.
studies the history
of the consciousness and of the cosmos in a more integral, multidimensional
fashion through lucid projections and retrocognitions of previous existences in
all consciential states (in between, during, and after physical lives). It
transcends the autobiography of the intraphysical consciousness in the current
human life, as well as, human history. Parahistory allows the researcher to
“re-visit” the past in a most vivid and direct manner, by accessing humanity’s
integral memory (aka the akashic records) and the holothosenes (imprint of a
combination of thoughts, sentiments, and energies) of
Kosovo (Sousa).
can be explored out-of-body, when creativity, vision, intelligences, and the
information-assimilation rate may be greatly expanded. Therefore, policy-makers can make better
choices and the general population can understand the situation without
depending on the media -- and other
indirect, sometimes-unreliable and deceiving sources of information. Researchers can possibly use
parahistory methods to identify the complex interrelation of key actions and
events – including the effect of existential seriality, or rebirth cycles –
related to Kosovo and how they contributed to the current situation.
Behavioral effects. According to hundreds of researchers
from institutions like the International Institute of Projectiology and
Conscientiology, the conscious projection allows us to access information about
our past existence, our evolutionary process, and the “road map” we set for our
current physical life. With this information, humans can live more
focused on their task(s) and their evolution and consequently feel more
fulfilled. It also contributes to a better understanding of the impact of
our thoughts, sentiments, intentions, energy and actions on others and on
ourselves. I.e., we can observe that negative thosenes (overall pattern of
actions, thoughts, and sentiments) place us in affinity with negative events
and consciousnesses and that the laws of nature do not allow us to get away
with unethical actions that are harmful to others or counter-productive to
consciential evolution.
behavior – such as violence and discrimination – often occurs as a result of
frustration, childhood problems, or lack of direction, hope or knowledge.
A clearer perspective and greater discernment obtained through OBEs shows that
we are all souls with a common goal and a common evolutionary path and that we
can gradually move away from negative behavior.
Kenneth Ring at the University of Connecticut has studied the NDE and found
that the vast majority of those who have the experience exhibit positive
behavioral changes. They lose their fear of death, value life more, and achieve
a higher quality of life. The same effects have been observed as a consequence
of conscious out-of-body-experiences, whether spontaneous or generated by will
greater perspective offers a sense of concrete direction, purpose, and identity
that will gradually reduce negative behavior because more humans will finally
know that compassion, altruism, peace, fraternism, universalism, and
wisdom-seeking catalyze our consciential evolution and contribute to our
happiness. The over-dedication to the pursuit of all types of power and
superficial accomplishments to escape our insecurity should lessen.
reaction to negative manifestation is likely to change as well. Our integral memory (the collection of all
our experiences throughout a series of existences) shows that even the most
pious consciousnesses have committed terrible acts that would shock them
today. Rather than maintaining the
usual social dichotomy between the “good” and the “bad,” we will recognize
siblings at different stages of consciential evolution.
identifying ourselves even with the most disturbed consciousnesses, a stronger
universal bond among humans should develop that will allow clarification and
assistance to dominate over revenge, hypocritical finger-pointing, and
isolation. All these behavioral effects can be expanded from an interpersonal
to an international level, including the Kosovo crisis. Dramatic changes in the
human culture and civilization affect international relations, since
individuals govern and influence nations and states.
From the observed and predicted empirical and behavioral changes discussed, it is clear that a process of worldwide self-awareness is necessary to really solve the three-century-old crisis in Kosovo. However, because this method will only produce long-term significant results, it is important to supplement global consciential education with more immediate, conventional actions.
Widespread self-investigation through Conscientiology will require a paradigm expansion to the consciential paradigm, through verification by consensus of personal experience of the OBE and bioenergy perception and manipulation.
When violence, sectarianism, and bigotry become illogical to individuals through extraphysical experience, a permanent, irreversible, positive change occurs in their personality and perspective of themselves, humans, life, and the world. Changes in a small group of Serbians and ethnic Albanians will change their lives and spread to from their families to the whole region in an exponential rate.
Certainly, the short-term effect is little-noticed but the initially-small group of illuminated individuals can work together to accelerate the process through dissemination and bioenergy sanitation. I.e., individual changes will lead, in time, to physical and extraphysical consciential and energetic reurbanization, or recycling, of increasingly larger regions (Sousa).
Unlike diplomatic compromises and “forced peace,” consciocentric approaches take longer but are more genuine, definitive, ample and global. More conventional methods are often linked with hypocrisy and individual or state interests. Also, unlike most conventional solutions, self-awareness through self-investigation is not limited to one specific case or problem. A treaty will only work in a particular conflict or disagreement, while consciential illumination can affect a variety of regional conflicts and myriads of other social, civil, scientific, technological, and economic issues (Sousa).
To drive global consciential education, pioneering conventional scientists and scholars have before them the challenge of testing the possibilities and techniques of Conscientiology according to the consciential paradigm. The integration and application of Conscientiology in conventional science will facilitate its dissemination. Particular focus should be placed on college students who are more independent from their parents and are at a critical level in their lives.
For the short-term management of the situation, it is important to negotiate the redrawing of the borders in the Balkans. The West “foolishly and blindly adheres to unsustainable borders which reflect colonial decision-making and ceasefire lines (Judah)”. In the absence of a colonial power, conflicts in the region of the disintegrated Yugoslav Federation can be reduced by creating ethnically-homogeneous states. The West should strive to effect ethnic homogenization throughout the region by altering borders, encouraging population swaps and transfers, and discouraging ethnic cleansing and forced assimilation (Igic & Judah).
The West can also try to use NATO and EU membership possibilities as incentive to achieve peace in the Balkans. For current conflicts, humanitarian aid should be provided and “grants and credits for the development to the deserving” (Judah). According to Agence France Presse, the UN needs a larger budget to improve its mission in Kosovo (as for paying informers due to local mistrust of police and for lessening jail overcrowding). Also, further research should be done on the possibility of parapsychopathological pressure of extraphysical populations on the behavior of physical populations. This problem would be especially serious in centuries-old problems, like the Kosovo confrontations. Together, short-term, conventional solutions and long-term, worldwide self-investigation are likely to lessen the suffering and warfare in Kosovo.
Agence France Presse. Security and justice, two key stumbling
blocks for the UN in Kosovo.
(June 11,
BOGDANOVIC, Dimitrije. The Kosovo Question
– Past and Present. Serbian Academy of
Sciences and Arts Monographs, Vol. DLXVI, Presidium 2. (Beograd, 1995)
BORGES, Wagner. Viagem Espiritual II. Available online: http://www.ippb.org.br/
BRUCE, Robert. Treatise on Projection. SpiritWeb. Available
online: http://www.spiritweb.org/
Bstan-‘Dzin-Rzy. Ethics for
the New Millennium. Peguin Books (August 1999)
Buhlman, William. Adventures Beyond
the Body. Booth Clibborn Editions (June 1996)
de la Tour, Kevin. Consciousness
Research using the Out-of-body Experience. SpiritWeb. Available
http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/obe.html (August 1999)
IDEM. The Existential Program –
Discovering Your Life’s Purpose. IIPC-New York. No longer
available online: http://members.aol.com/iipnyusa/iipc.htm
(August 1999)
de la Tour, Simone. OBE: Fact or Fantasy.
IIPC-NY. No longer available online:
(August 1999)
IDEM. The Art and Science of Astral Projection. IIPC-NY. No
longer available online:
(August 1999)
FELISMINO, Sílvia. Consciousness Therapy. IIPC-NY. No
longer available online:
(August 1999)
IGIC, Zivorad. The Serbs in Kosovo. Balkan Peace. Available
JUDAH, Tim. War & Revenge. Yale University Press (April
MINERO, Luis. IIPC-FL. Consciousness
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SOUSA, Patrícia. IIPC-FL. Telephone
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TRIVELLATO, Nanci. Consciousness Evolution. IIPC-NY. No longer
available online:
(August 1999)
IDEM. Consciential Evolution: Personal Effort and
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(January 1999)
IDEM. Out-of-Body Experience: Is it Possible?. IIPC-Main.
Available online:
(January 1999)
VIEIRA, Waldo. Our Evolution. International Institute of
Projectiology and Conscientiology
Note: Above-mentioned unavailable articles should be accessible
on this website in the near future, after consulting with the respective