Nelson Abreu reports on the 24th Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration
May 19, 2005, Gainesville , Florida – To most attendees of the 24th annual meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, the earth-shattering implications of psi research seem worth our time and resources like no other enterprise. Yet, in a century of psi research, only about one month's worth of investigation has been funded in proportion to psychology. More funding is available to study pig reproduction than to research if there is life after death. Dogmatic materialistic scientists censor the truly meaningful questions and feed the spiritual crisis of Earth, because their basic premise is that there is no meaning -- life started by accident, there is no spirit, and nothing survives physical death. The incoherence and sophism in mainstream scientism can be more bizzare than psi phenomena or even quantum non-locality. Mainstream media and science’s editor-censors overlook, scoff at, or outright refuse to consider the facts: promising rigorous research, the intellect of many of humanity’s geniuses like William James, Schoedinger, and Bohm, and a large body of anecdotal accounts of all times should capture the attention of any rational, curious human being.
About a hundred turned out,
from throughout the
Concepts on truth,
rationality, reason, knowledge, science versus psedo-science,
genuine phenomena in a sea of fraud, rigorous protocols versus sensory leakage,
life, evolution, reality… all these were visited through experiments, experiences,
observations, and discourses on a variety of controversial subjects like
alternative therapies and phenomena related to subtle vital energies known to
billions as chi in China and hundreds of other names all over.
Brenda Dunne and Dr. Robert Jahn foresaw a Science of the Subjective that replaced
current scientific “rules” that make too many assumptions about anomalous
phenomena by failing to recognize factors like intention, oscillations in
performance, irregular replicability, insensitivity
to space-time distances, gender discrepancies in effect levels, and uncertainty
as a source of anomalies. Such insights
stemmed from rigorous engineering experiments over a quarter century at
Princeton that have verified that humans can make small, but statistically
significant effects on electronic and mechanical random processes. Adding to
the military-sponsored research at Stanford Research Institute, these
researchers and others like physicist Russell Targ
have helped verify that we can gather information from a distance (remote
viewing) beyond our five basic senses.
Dr. Marylin Schiltz of the Institute of Noetic Sciences described studies with Dr. Dean Radin (The Conscious Universe) of people influencing the physiology of others, even help heal, from distance. This type of research is so encouraging that they have attracted funds from the National Institutes of Health. Duke University engineers studied a man that can emit unusual levels of energy detected by sensors. Zavalin’s Vanderbilt research on effects of multipolar fields on living systems contrasted with our binary society and technology of “good or evil” and “0’s or 1’s.”
Of particular interest, the psi blocker effect, which is ignored in many tests by
skeptic-scoffers like James Randi, was rigorously
demonstrated when the exact same experiment had significant results when
performed by Dr. Schlitz but not when done by a skeptic colleague. Dr. Mitchell
described how when certain colleagues were present during SRI experiments, the
psychic’s performance was adversely affected. The physicist Harris Walker (The
Physics of Consciousness), progenitor of the Quantum Consciousness Theory,
charged scoffers with stifling humanity’s progress throughout the times. Typically, skeptics do not collaborate with
researchers, have their minds already made up, merely guess alternate
explanations, and often employ flawed logical arguments and ad hominem attacks.
Michael Lydon (co-founder of the
Science of Self Club at UF and
TIME magazine’s Lemonick was very balanced in his skepticism during the
conference and open to personal exploration of altered states like the
out-of-body experience, but his article (Science
on the Fringe, May 30) turned out
shallow and excessively pejorative. Even in mainstream science, such as
entomology, Dr. Thomas Dykstra (SSE secretary; Dykstra Labs,
Ironically, while most people
seem to believe in life after death, researchers like
David Lindsay (International
Academy of Consciousness) invoked Kuhn’s Structure
of Scientific Revolutions, one of the most quoted works of the 20th
century, which showed scientific progress comes in revolutionary departures
from “normal science.” In that spirit, Lindsay described an avant-garde,
spherical Waking Physical Immobility Laboratory (in
For local and internet
resources to further explore these topics, contact the Society for Scientific
Exploration’s Student Representative at
“The greatest strength of
science is that it is rooted in actual experience. The great weakness of
contemporary science is that it admits only certain types of experience as
– Nobel laureate physicist David Bohm