One of the first
researchers to perform laboratorial experiments on the OBE was psychologist Dr.
Charles Theodore Tart (1937 - ). In 1966, he invited a young projector to
participate in a series of experiments in the sleep laboratory of the
From Monday to Wednesday, the projector
reported having seen the clock while floating out of body. At the times
informed by her, the devices demonstrated unusual brain-wave patterns. An
absence of rapid-eye movements (REM) was also observed. On Wednesday night,
Miss Z identified the target number: 25132. The brain-wave pattern during
conscious projection was different from the patterns during waking state, sleep
and other altered states of consciousness (an expression proposed by Tart
Between 1965 and 1966, the same pioneer
researcher studied Robert Allan Monroe in 8 occasions in the
Electroencephalographical Laboratory of the
During the first seven
nights, he was not successful. On the eight night, he
had two brief lateral projections. On
the first one he witnessed some strangers talking at an unknown place at a
distance, fact which could not be confirmed.
However, on the second occasion,
The ocular movements were slower than in
regular sleep. The Stage I brain wave pattern, typical of natural sleep with
dreams, was observed almost immediately after Monroe laid down – an extremely
rare event, as this stage normally occurs after 80 to 90 minutes of sleep
without dreams. The heart rate was
between 65 and 75 beats per minute.
A study by Janet Lee Mitchell (American
Society for Psychical Research, ASPR) and Karlis Osis on the traveling
clairvoyance of surrealist painter and writer Ingo Swann resulted in 8
of 8 correct target observations with 1 in 40,000 probability for a chance
occurrence. When Swann reported his
vision was outside of his body, there was loss of electrical activity and
faster brain wave impulses in the visual areas in the occipital lobes. During
this state, there was great drop in alpha activity in the right hemisphere than
the left, which other organic functions remained normal.
Osis also carried out a “fly-in”
experiment with around 100 projectors who had as a target a small office in the
fourth floor of ASPR, where they were to inspect four target objects (unknown
to them, to be observed in a certain time frame and angle of observation). Only 15% of them reached this office. Osis did not think the results of this experiment
were significant, because event the best projectors often described objects in
terms of their form and colors and not as material things with their exact
names. This experiment demonstrates the
hypothesis that the process of information acquisition or cognition during
projection of the consciousness is different from what would be expected from
physical experience and even from common extrasensory perception.
There were, however, interesting
observations. Some, like a projector
Alexander Tanous related that his awareness
traveled several times from
In 1977, Robert Lyle Morris and Stuart Harary
In 1979, Karlis Osis and Donna McCormick
verified that a projector correctly identified a random optical target, in a
locked room replete of sensors, 114 of 197 (57.87%) trials in 20 sessions. During these 114 “hits,” kinetic
effects were observed demonstrating the presence of something subtle but
nonetheless physical.
Related to the OBE, the Princeton Engineering
Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory Precognitive Remote Perception
(PRP) studies in 1987 already contained 334 formal trials obtained by some 40
“percipients”, who generated written descriptions of
an unknown geographical target where the “agent” was located before, during, or
after the description. Then, they were
to fill out a check sheet of questions for later analytical judging. Results have varied from “photographic
precision,” to partial correspondence of environment and/or components, to
completely inaccurate. Major geometrical
distortions, differences in emphasis of parts of the scene, progression from
accurate to inaccurate description or vice-versa are not uncommon. Brenda Dunne and Dr. Robert Jahn therefore
created a more systematic quantitative assessment procedures. The one that combined effectiveness with
simplicity the best was through a list of thirty statistically weighted, binary
descriptor questions.
Together with Rodrigo Medeiros, Patricia Sousa runs the Image Target Project, an experiment
that invites people from all over the world to drop by a locked room at IAC -
A similar pilot study with physical objects
and physiological monitoring at the
Near-Death Experience
Some of most persuasive experimental evidence on out-of-body experience to date is on the near-death experience.
The December 2001 issue of the internationally acclaimed medical journal The Lancet published research by Dr. Pim van Lommel et al conducted in 10 Dutch hospitals for over 10 years. Patients (n = 334) were resuscitated from heart or breathing failures after a fixed amount of time. This ensured the amount of oxygen depletion would be approximately the same. This prospective study showed anoxia was not a leading cause of NDE’s because the incidence was 12 to 18% rather than almost all or almost none as was expected by skeptics. The majority of NDEr’s felt this was one of the most positively marking experiences of their life, helping them re-prioritize their activities toward more purposeful living, and even improving their personality and interactions with other humans.
Cardiologist Michael Sabom
is among physicians who can no longer deny that consciousness can exist in the
absence of a functioning brain. With
neurosurgeon Michael Spetzler
(Barrow Institute,
Many skeptics ascribe NDE perceptions to supposed
perceptions of a dying brain. However,
lucid projectors have out-of-body experiences by will without a dying brain
condition and can still see “beings of life,” and even perceive the
characteristic “tunnel” often associated with NDE’s. More importantly, they are
able to make accurate observations of distant physical environments and
interact among themselves while projected. For instance, in the van Lommel’s
study, one patient recognized the nurse who removed his dentures while he (or
rather, his body) was in a coma. Under
Michael Sabom, MD, another prospective study is underway at
Another interesting avenue of research are the NDE’s and
pre-birth memories of children, because their accounts are much less likely to
be attributed to acculturation or hidden memories (cryptomnesia) from
information they may have in their memory from, say, a documentary on NDE.
Compared to near-birth experiences and pre-natal out-of-body experiences with
posterior confirmations, the Journal of Resuscitation’s report by
Central to the debate is the kind of worldview scientists adopt. Consciousness-centered paradigms point out that even though extraordinary experiences can be triggered by electromagnetic pulses, stress (e.g. drowning victim), physical trauma (e.g. head injury), and chemicals, they are also produced spontaneously or by will. Detected neural activity that is characteristic of such altered states is not necessarily the cause: it is just as logically plausible that it is a concomitant effect.
It seems that no matter how the credible and persuasive the experimental evidence, there is no replacement for personal experience. This is the motivation behind the development of projectiology, a first- and second-person science of projections of the consciousness, and the consciential paradigm which requires scientists to have their own OBE’s and arrive at an evolving consensus of their experiences, including – potentially – joint or group OBE’s.