According to Conscientiology and Projectiology, the consciousness does not "incarnate" or is not born as it were. What occurs, rather, is an "energetic incarnation" or energetic birth. The consciousness, utilizing the mentalsoma (mental body) and psychosoma (emotional or "astral" body), connects itself to the soma (physical body) by way of the holochakra (energetic body). Thus, we can conclude that we must learn to master our bioenergetic system completely in order to take greater advantage of intraphysical (physical) life by developing our higher attributes and overcoming our genetic and mesological influences in a way that allows us to complete our existential program - that which we planned to do in this life.
Bioenergy is the key to the mastery of conscious projection, as well as all other projectiological phenomena. The mastery of bioenergies, which can be accomplished by anyone through the practice of energetic techniques (some of which are addressed in this article), is the point of departure for the controlled, safe practice of conscious projection. But what actually is bioenergy?
Having many synonyms, indicating its universality, bioenergy is also called: acasa (Hindus); animal magnetism (F.A. Mesmer); astral energy; astral light (H.P. Blavatsky); axé (Africans); bioplasm (V.S. Grischenko); biopsychic energy; chi (acupuncturists, China); cosmic energy; etheric force (radiesthesiologists); libido (S. Freud); magnetic fluid (F.A. Mesmer); negative entropy (Erwin Schrodinger); od (K.L. von Reichenbach); orgon (W. Reich); prana (yogis, India); psychic fluid; vital fluid (Allan Kardec); and vital force (C.F.S. Hahnemannod.
In conventional physics, energy is defined as the capacity of a system to perform work, which can be freely interpreted as a dynamic change or transformation. Analogously, bioenergy, which also is neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed, can be understood as the means by which the consciousness manifests itself in any dimension in order to realize work.
In order to didactically facilitate this approach, Conscientiology/Projectiology classifies bioenergy into two basic categories: immanent energy and consciential energy.
Immanent energy is a natural, primary, basic, impersonal form of bioenergy not having yet been altered through interaction with human consciousnesses, is dispersed and is omnipresent throughout the intraphysical (physical) universe and in all extraphysical (non-physical) consciential dimensions. Being multiform, it can manifest as telluric energy (Earth energy), cosmic energy (of interstellar space) and extraphysical energy (that of other dimensions), as well as in many other forms.
Consciential energy is immanent energy which has been absorbed and used by the consciousness in one of its forms of manifestation (intentions, thoughts, sentiments, emotions, acts and others).
At our current level of evolution we are capable of absorbing both types of energy, but can only circulate and exteriorize consciential energy.
Thosene: The Instrument of the Consciousness
Dr. Vieira created the concept of "thosene" to explain the interaction of the consciousness with itself, its environment and other consciousnesses. This concept facilitates the understanding of such complex phenomena as karma, retrocognition (regression), energetic sympathetic assimilation, auric coupling, interconsciential intrusion (obsession), as well as many others.
The term thosene is a neologism formed from the words thought, sentiment and energy, and implies the inseparability of these three factors which are constantly being generated by the consciousness. In other words, it is impossible to think without simultaneously having sentiments and mobilizing energy, or to have an emotion, affection or sentiment without provoking memories and thoughts and causing energies to transform and flow. It is likewise impossible to manipulate energies without thinking and generating sentiments.
The thosene is proposed as the basic unit of manifestation of the consciousness, somewhat like an atom or constituent particle of morphothosenes (thought-forms) and of the very substantiality of the extraphysical (non-physical) dimensions. It also constitutes the basis of interconsciential communicability.
It can thus be concluded from these hypotheses that our consciential energies always carry our sentiments and thoughts or, rather, that our thosenes determine the quality of our energies.
Given this fact, it is important to point out that one's level of cosmoethic (universal morality) applied during energetic mobilization and conscious projection (and, obviously, throughout the day as well) will have an influence on the quality and type of extraphysical assistance received as well as the quality of results realized from your efforts.
Preparations for a Conscious Projection
If you really want to have high quality conscious projections and be able to remember them, you must seek to optimize various conditions in your physiological and psychological environment. Also, you should keep continuous training with energies techniques, which will determine the level of your energetic self defense and overall energetic well being. It is important to point out that these always relative conditions, express the empirical average observed by many veteran projectors and shown as a consensus in many international publications. Unfortunately, we do not have space here to give the reasons for all of them. However, we observe that it is extremely difficult to project yourself with a fair degree of lucidity if one or more of the following conditions have not been met. Keep in mind that you should determine your own ideal projective conditions
Ambiental Conditions:
Maintain a maximum of silence in the location from which you will project (your physical base). Adjust the lighting to dim, but not to absolute darkness. Try to maintain the temperature at about 20 degrees Centigrade (68 degrees Fahrenheit) using quiet, indirect air conditioning as necessary. The ideal time to project from your body is around 3 AM in the morning as things are generally calmer at that time of the morning in regards to thosenes, and physical interruptions (note: influences such as the phases of the moon, the season, orientation of your head towards magnetic north, etc. are irrelevant).
Physiological Conditions:
Lie down on your back with your arms and legs comfortably extended at your side. Avoid eating or drinking for at least three hours before the projective experiment. Use a minimum of light, loose clothing, or none at all. See to all of your physiological needs (including sex) before the experiment. Maintain a high level of health and physical hygiene. Avoid stimulating foods and drinks as well as medications and drugs (If you are under the care of a physician or other health practitioner, you should consult him or her before modifying any prescribed treatments.).
Psychological Conditions:
Gradually overcome any fear you may have of leaving the body by becoming thoroughly informed about this phenomenon through study and analysis. Avoid becoming excessively emotional (entering into discussions, arguments, watching suspense films, etc.) before the experiment. Pay special attention to your mental hygiene. Engender a climate of healthy, motivated curiosity. Let go of as many projectiogenic (projection producing) artifices or "crutches" (music, mantras, crystals, incense, lights, etc.) as possible. Never permit negative intentions in any of your acts, thoughts or feelings. Always act in accordance with your personal cosmoethic. Trust in the assistance of the helpers (extraphysical consciousnesses also called guides) with whom you have rapport.
Projective Techniques
Perfect and infallible techniques do not exist. Experience has shown that different techniques work better for different individuals in different circumstances. Nevertheless, what follows is a projective technique (taken from Projectiology: An Overview of Experiences of the Consciousness Outside the Human Body, by Waldo Vieira, M.D.) which has shown good results:
The Psychological Conditioning Technique
This pre-takeoff psychological conditioning that predisposes the consciousness to conscious projection is based on mentalization techniques which should be utilized as a preparation to takeoff.
![]() | Concentrate your thoughts on the objective of the projection, avoiding mental deviations and daydreaming. |
![]() | Little by little, stop feeling the human body by firmly employing the idea that your dense body no longer exists. |
![]() | Will your mind to become absolutely silent, as if the known universe had disappeared. |
![]() | Concentrate intensely on the idea that material forms no longer exist for you. |
![]() | Seek a condition of separation from all that which is physical or material. |
![]() | Imagine the upward departure of the consciousness utilizing the psychosoma or mentalsoma. |
![]() | Intensely wish to float above where you feel yourself to be. |
![]() | Roll your psychosoma to one side or the other of your soma (body) as you prefer. |
![]() | Be prepared to hear the intracranial noises that accompany the takeoff of the psychosoma, a fact which occurs with relative frequency. |
![]() | If you lose consciousness during the experiment various times in succession, tell yourself before beginning the technique that you will remain lucid while in the extraphysical dimension. The willful provocation of a consciential projection requires work and demands perseverance. Nevertheless, few feelings can compare with the moment in which you perceive for the first time that you are lucid outside of your human body - free from the bonds of dense material. Truly a case of mind over matter. |
Some of the principal factors which impede the realization of conscious projections are the social conditionings and educational, scientific, mystical and religious indoctrinations that we all receive. For this reason, if you are truly interested in becoming a veteran conscious projector seek to: always maintain your self- and heterocriticism (question and analyze yourself and everything around you); identify and permanently remove your social conditionings, including those which are not suspect; amplify your sense of universality, discarding provincialisms and dogmas; be courageous and intellectually forthright, cosmoethically analyzing and criticizing everyone and everything; do not permit self-corruption.
It is appropriate to note here the text of a sign which we post in every classroom of the IIP: "Don't believe in anything. Not even what you hear (or read) here at the IIP. EXPERIMENT. Have your own experiences.