FAQ on Projectiology and Conscientiology


1) What is Projectiology?

Projectiology is a science having the objective of studying the consciousness and its accompanying manifestations in its three conditions: physical, non-physical and projected, focusing more on the phenomenon of the Out-of-Body Experience. All the implications of these phenomena are analyzed in theory and in practice. The OBE and other paranormal phenomena are studied as sources of self-awareness. The cosmoethic is always the more important aspect.


2) What is Conscientiology?

Beyond the study of the projective phenomenon (OBE), we encounter the science of Conscientiology, of which Projectiology can be considered to be a practical sub-field. Conscientiology is the science which studies the consciousness, commonly known as ego, soul, essence, etc. Conscientiology is more comprehensive than traditional Psychology, for example, as it goes beyond the boundaries of physical reality, looking at such issues as multidimensionality, holossomatic (the vital energy system and multiple bodies, or vehicles of manifestation), and serial existences (energetic reincarnation).  The studies are based on scientific principles, consensus, bibliographical research, and experimentation.


The Consciential Paradigm

The Paradigm of Projectiology and Conscientiology

Like any science, Conscientiology and Projectiology have a paradigm, philosophical foundation, or epistemological basis.

It is generally accepted that the human brain is the most complex object known to man. It is evident to those who experience lucid projections that the consciousness transcends the physical brain which it controls, as the projector is lucid and active while projected outside the temporarily dormant physical body. In this way, the consciousness (ego, essence, soul, spirit, etc.) is recognized as being the substrate of intelligence and individuality, and something far beyond classic parameters of energy and matter. Thus, the study of the consciousness held to be something transcendent of physical consciousness, is a dignified subject of study in the true spirit of scientific inquiry.

New methodologies and techniques are needed to enable the study of the consciousness. It is not possible to study the consciousness through the use of classic devices, no matter how sophisticated they may be, as they can, at best, only measure physiological alterations which are merely indirect consequences of the actions of the consciousness being observed.

The obvious conclusion, then, is that the consciousness itself is the most effective tool to be used in the study of the consciousness. This inevitably leads to participative research, where the researcher quite often serves as his or her own research subject, while his or her daily circumstances, both inside and outside the body, serve as his or her laboratory. The Consciential Paradigm combines scientific principles with direct personal subjective observations.

This is the essence of the consciential paradigm, which functions as a starting point for the approaches of Conscientiology and Projectiology.

The conventional science discarded the concept of the consciousness approximately 300 years ago, when it embraced the materialist-reductionist-newtonian-cartesian-physicalist paradigm - recognized by many as being outdated. Conscientiology and Projectiology offer the consciential paradigm as the inevitable contemporary successor.



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