
University of Florida, Florida

Founded: Summer 2003
Current Members: Over 200 students, faculty, and
Gainesville residents.
Faculty Advisors: Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Oncology


Location: Queens College - CUNY, New York

Founded: Fall 2004
Current Members: Over 50 students

Faculty Advisors: Psychology


Location: Utah Valley State College, Utah

Founded: Fall 2005 (From previous informal active group)

Current Members:

Faculty Advisors: John Reed, PhD




UF Officers:

President: Colin Rackelman (Psychology, undergrad)
Vice-President: Karin Larson (Law, graduate)
Treasurer: Ashlee Valdes (Psychology, Japanese, undergrad)

Executive Board Appointments
Research Director: Ashlee Valdes
Education Director: Vince Herzog (Philosophy, Linguistics, alumnus)
Community Director: Nelson Abreu (Electrical Engineering, undergrad)
Conference & Communications Director: Lily Kaye (Psychology, undergrad)
Technical Director: Wayne Cope (Shands Hospital at UF, communications, technical staff)



Nelson Abreu, Founder, President (2003-04)

Fernando Tavarez, VP (2003)

Timothy Conway, VP 2003 - 2004


QC Ex-Officio:

Michael Lydon, Founder, President (2004-05)

What is the Science of Self Club?

 Science of Self is a student-run university club. The two themes are science, or the pursuit of verifiable and useful knowledge, and the self, or the individual, and self-growth.

What is the purpose of science of self? So what would be discussed at meetings? What sorts of issues for example?

Mike Lydon’s Introduction

Why should I become an officer or active member of the Science of Self Club?

“We live in a materialistic age. You’re born. You go to school. You get a job. You get hitched. You have 2.5 kids. You grow old. You plant a tree. You die.  

And that’s life. 

…Or is it? To me, such a routine without any real reflection upon one’s existence, is akin to a living death. Perhaps this sounds harsh, but many students graduate each year thinking that their sole purpose in life is to win bread and make babies. Science of Self is a discussion group for people who believe that life is more than making copies of yourself so that your genes get passed on. Life is more than we can currently fathom, and Science of Self exists to expand the horizons of what we know and value within our current human experience. It is for this reason that we are an asset to the university community, and it is for this reason that we need to grow. There are many people who are afraid to speak of their insights and/or experiences due to fear that they might be ostracized or looked upon as crazy. We are the safe haven for such people, and serve as an environment which fosters their evolution, and ultimately, the discovery of their life purpose.   - Mike Lydon

Consider leading the SciSelf Club's assistantial clarification task as
of next semester to help the Gainesville and UF community to become
more self- and multidimensionally-aware to renovate our society from
the root level.” SciSelf@UF 2005 Elections message from Nelson Abreu


To help facilitate self-growth within the university community. Students are encouraged to study, present, and debate issues that are pertinent to their internal lives.

Improve social conditions through maxifraternity, universalism,
altruism, and libertarian ideas achieved through direct, personal

To catalyze the advancement of higher studies of the consciousness
into mainstream science and society.

To assist students towards identification and completion of their
existential tasks, with training in: parapsychism, OBE, retrocognition

To perform the clarification task (education)
Courses, workshops, conferences, debates, socio-cultural
events. Stimulating experiential and experimental studies

To contribute to scientific advancement and epistemological
enhancement by:   Research and publications, debate.

To contribute to others' integral well-being
Preparation for personal energetic task (PENTA), consciential epicentrism,

and other forms of personal development and assistance.

To contribute in a multidisciplinary fashion: Health; Physics;
Engineering; History; Archaeology; Astronomy; Oceanography;
Psychology; Philosophy; Neuroscience; Biology; Botany; Search &
Rescue; Paranormal Studies; etc

To support Florida as an epicenter of consciousness science and
scholarship with:
Consciousness Studies Archive; Courses/Degrees; Research/Facilities

• Training members in the basic theory and practice of consciousness
studies, under the consciential paradigm;
• Organizing presentations and seminars on conscientiology &
projectiology to be offered by officers and guest-speakers;
• Promoting discussions, seminars and debates with the public,
students, scholars and scientists of conventional and non-
conventional fields;
• Organizing cultural, scientific and social events to facilitate
communication between researchers and the general public on the
subjects of conscientiology & projectiology;
• Organizing meetings for members to plan and discuss theorice
(theory and practice) relating to conscientiological research and
the club's goals;
• Promoting social gatherings as a means by which members and others
can fraternize and exchange ideas and experiences;

+ Co-Development of PSY 4930 – Intro to Contemporary Consciousness Studies

+ Development of a Consciousness Research Archive / Library (Anderson Hall 117)
+ 2 Internships: PEAR Laboratory

+ Academic Trips



2003 Univ-Con: Pennsylvania State University
Remembering Past Lives, Wagner Alegretti, Miami
Theory and Practice of Bioenergies, Wagner Alegretti, Miami
Economic Aid Dependency, Recurso, UF
Mindfulness, John Zinbat-Zin (U of MA), UF Center for S & H

Consciousness Development Program 1 – 4, IAC
Out-of-Body Experience and Dreams, IAC

MAPS-UF, Downtown Gainesville, Spring 04 Health Fair
Spring 04 Undergraduate Psychology Poster Session

Developing your Clairvoyance, IAC
OBE techniques, IAC
Advanced 1 – Self-Research, IAC
Advanced 2 - Bioenergetic Therapeutic Field, IAC
Human Potential Experience series, Adam Leonard,
Gainesville (2003, 2004)

Yoga with Bruno Ferreira (2005)

Meditation with Kelly Zoborovski (2005)

Toward a Science of Consciousness 2004

Projective Field 2004, Pennsylvania

Dinamica Parapsiquica Assistencial, CEAEC, Iguassu Falls, Brazil

2005 Cinvexis, Iguassu Falls, Brazil

Mickey Singer talk at Temple of the Universe, Alachua

The Mindshift Institute lectures, New York

When Einstein met Reich, presentation, New York

The 8th Habit. Wednesday April 20. Steven Covey, author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Queens College



I Colloquium on Consciousness Studies @ UF – Summer '03: 25 participants
UF Student Organization Fair – Summer '03, Spring '04: 60 participants
UF Lecture: Out-of-Body Experience – Spring '04: 14 participants
Film-Debate @ UF: A Glimpse of Immortality
Health Science Center @ UF Lecture: James O'Dea with IONS, FL-IONS, UF Center for Health & Spirituality: 150 part.
II CCS / 2004 Southeastern ICOPS conference, UF: 150 participants
Consciousness Development Program 1 – 4 by IAC @ UF: 30+ participants, 9 completed
Lectures by Scott Olsen, Rodrigo Medeiros/ Patricia Sousa, David Lindsay, Jane Lloyd, Brenda Dunne/Dr. Jahn @ PSY 4930, UF (30 part.)

III CCS / Unity Week: 200 participants

IV CCS / UNIV-CON 2004: 80 participants

Workshop: Introduction to Avatar: 12 participants

Advanced 1 – Self-Research, North Central Florida: 9 participants
2005 Young Investigators Annual Meeting, SSE: 15 delegates

Workshop: Bioenergies in Nature, IAC: 11 participants






Psychic Fair. Cooperation with CUPB

Film Festival. Cooperation themed “Spiritual Cinema”

Yoga Classes. One of our members will be teaching yoga classes.

Extracurricular. There are many consciousness events happening in New York City

Movies and Popcorn @ “Camp Consciousness

Lectures & Discussions:

Mike Lydon:  Introduction to SoS;   What is Spirituality?; Out of Body Experiences and Near-Death Experiences;  Subtle Energies;    Emotional Vampires I & II; How to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable; The Future of Spirituality;  Psychic and Paranormal Phenomena – Extraordinary Case Studies

Melissa Reburiano: Time Management: managing school work, planning and scheduling, tips on writing papers

f.      March 2nd, 2005- "Your Brain on Drugs". Dr. Susan Croll-Kali. Free Hour. (location TBA – PSI CHI event – e-mail for more info). This presentation will discuss some of the more permanent effects of illegal drug use.

March 9th – Emotional Intelligence – lecture and discussion. Mike Lydon. 12:15-1:15 Powdermaker 350B (Science of Self). EQ has become a buzz word in the business world and elsewhere, but what does it really mean? This lecture will serve as an introduction to the topic in general, and will offer some techniques to deepen your awareness in both the personal and social dimensions of emotional intelligence. NOTE TO MARILYN: if you have a lot of people who want to come to this, the philosophy conference room might be too small. Give me an estimate of how many PSI CHI folks are interested.

March 23rd – Transcendent Sex. Mike Lydon (presentation based on Dr. Jenny Wade’s book Transcendent Sex – case studies of people who have had transcendent experiences during erotic activity). Powdermaker 350 B. 12:15-1:15. Did you know that people have transcendent experiences (altered states of consciousness) during sex more so than during any other activity (including meditation and other disciplines)? Find out more at the lecture. (sorry folks, no techniques. This is a presentation based on interviews with ordinary people who have had out-of-the-ordinary experiences. It is not a class on Tantra or the Kama Sutra. Just want to make that clear).

March 30th – Guest Speaker: Dr. Gibbs Williams on Stress, Anxiety, and Depression. What is the root of these problems, and how can we overcome them? Free hour. I am happy to announce that we will be having Dr. Gibbs Williams, a clinical psychologist of 37 years practice, speak at our Campus at the end of March. His lecture will be on the psychological, philosophical, and spiritual dimensions of frustration, anxiety, and depression. Dr. Gibbs will be introducing practical and innovative (drug-free) ways to cope with these challenging aspects of human life. See his website here: Co-Sponsored by PSI-CHI.

Introduction to Consciousness Development. Wednesday May 4. Jane Lloyd, MBA (psychology), Instructor in Consciousness Development from the International Academy of Consciousness ( will be lecturing in NSB E308 (room to be confirmed) on psychic development and consciousness studies from 12:15-2:15 PM. The first hour will consist of a lecture and practical exercise, and the second hour will consist of having food and socializing with Ms. Lloyd. 

The Psychology You Never Knew: Wilhelm Reich, Bioenergy, and Character Analysis. Monday May 9. Howard Chavis, M.D., will be giving an introduction to Wilhelm Reich and his work. Dr. Chavis is a medical orgonomist (psychiatrist with bioenergetic therapy training), assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, where he teaches a course on "Character and Character Analysis" to fourth-year psychiatry residents. He has been a lecturer and laboratory instructor in the basic and advanced laboratory courses in orgonomic science. At QC, he is lecturing in room C201 from 12:15-1:15, with social hour and food to follow. Reich took a departure from traditional psychoanalysis when he theorized that sexual energy, postulated by Freud, was an actual physical energy, which Reich called “orgone.” He was eventually led to believe that this energy was behind all living things, and the universe itself (Click here for more info:



Methodology for Investigating the Hypothesis of Anomalous Remote Perceptions as Objective Phenomena (Nelson Abreu)

2004 Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona  (Available on Tape)


The Science of the Future (Michael Lydon)

2004 UNIV-CON, Pennsylvania State University

Online audio stream (Coming Up)


Out-of-Body Experiences & Bioenergies (Nelson Abreu)

2004 UNIV-CON, Pennsylvania State University


Synchronicity & Psychic Phenomena (Nelson Abreu)

Seraphim Center, Summer 2005, Gainesville (Available on DVD)


The Science of the Future: Liberation from the Cartesian Prison (Michael Lydon)

24th Annual Society for Scientific Exploration Meeting (Available on DVD)

May 2005, Gainesville, Florida


Passing the Baton to the Future You:

Prospective Research on Reincarnation through the Time Capsule Project  (Nelson Abreu)

24th Annual Society for Scientific Exploration Meeting (Available on DVD)

May 2005, Gainesville, Florida


Introduction to Consciousness Studies – Research Perspectives (Nelson Abreu)

PSY 4930 – Consciousness Studies, Dr. Barbara Welsch

August 2005, University of Florida



Clarification Strategies and Research Methodology Inspired by

Consciousness-Related Engineering Anomalies and Projectiology (Vincent Herzog, Nelson Abreu)

1st International Symposium on Conscientiological Research

October 2005, IAC Campus, Evoramonte, Portugal



Natural Awakenings magazine, North Central Florida, Jan-Feb 2005 (essay) (essays)

Journal of Conscientiology (essays)


            Understanding the Consciousness as a means to Reduce Negative Human Behavior; Translated by IPPB to Portuguese

Journal of Consciousness Studies (abstract Tucson 2004)

The Explorer (abstracts SSE 2005)


In Progress:

Sensors, Filters, and the Source of Reality

SciSelf Co-Editor: Vincent Herzog

SciSelf Contributors: Vincent Herzog, Nelson Abreu, Colin Rackleman


Anthology of Extraphysical Experiences (Edited by Rodrigo Montenegro, IAC-UK)

      Sciself contributing translator: Nelson Abreu


SciSelf in the Media:

Journal of Conscientiology

2003 Colloquium on Consciousness Studies


WUFT News, North Central Florida

      5 minute piece on Southeastern Paranormal Studies Intercollegiate Conference (July 11, 2003)

The Independent Florida Alligator, Gainesville, Florida

            UF leadership organization sponsors daylong fair (July 10, 2003)

      Forum covers ghosts, dreams  (April 2, 2004)

Orange & Blue Magazine, University of Florida (Fall 2004)

The Daily Collegian, University Park, Pennsylvania

      ‘Ghost Hunters’ Speak about Paranormal (Nov 1, 2004)

BBC Radio One – Canada on Tucson talk

What Is Enlightenment? magazine Issue 29 “Who Are You?”  on Tucson talk


Informal Investigations:

RESEARCH PORTFOLIO: – Our current or intended research involvements

Subjective/Phenomenological Explorations
Behavioral Effect of Projectability
Exploring Projective Sensations
Projective Techniques (IAC)
Prolonging Nocturnal Lucidity
Inducing the
Vibrational State / Basic Mobilization of Bioenergies

Effect of Basic Mobilization of Energies on Lucid

Spirit TV: Tim Conway

Remote Perception
Multimedia Remote Target Project (article by Nelson Abreu, J. of Conscientiology; Talk: Tucson 2004)
Precognitive Remote Perception (planned with PEAR)

Effect of Bioenergy Exposure on Wilting of Cut Flowers (prelim by Tim Conway, Nelson Abreu)
Anomalous Biasing of Random Event Generators through Bioenergies (protocols by Vincent Herzog, Nelson Abreu)
Techniques to Maintain Daily Energetic Practice (Psychological condition, tools, etc) Nelson Abreu

Paranormal Investigation
Multidimensional Assistential P. I. Model (report, submitted for publication)
Advanced 2 – Bioenergetic Therapeutic Field Anomaly Detection (with IAC)
Electronic Voice Phenomena (Team: Colin Rackleman, Vincent Herzog, Nelson Abreu)

Survey Series
Survey on Spirituality and Parapsychism (ongoing, Nelson Abreu & Mike Lydon)

Lucid Dreaming & Projectability
Inducing Lucid Projections through Lucid Dreaming; Utilizing the NovaDreamer™ (ongoing)

Self-Development of Parapsychism
Stimulating Consciential Self-Performance

The Time Capsule Project,  Nelson Abreu

Integral Health (including projective diagnosis, projectiotherapy) Anthony Cortez

Retrocognitions & Existential Programming   Nelson Abreu
Sports Conscientiology & Human Performance  Tim Conway
Consciential Entrepreneurship,  Nelson Abreu

Evolutionary/Consciential Intelligence (C.Q.) Nelson Abreu

Emotional Intelligence   Mike Lydon